Monday 12 July 2021

Meloxicam Injection Assay (By HPLC) Finished Product | Test Procedure | Method of analysis (MOA) |


Meloxicam Injection Assay (MOA) By HPLC

Sample Preparation

Weigh sample equivalent 40 mg of Meloxicam in 100 ml of volumetric flask, add 0.3 ml of 0.4 M sodium hydroxide and shake well and dilute to 100 ml with Methanol ( 400 mcg )


Standard Preparation

Take 40 mg of Meloxicam WS in  100 ml volumetric flask and dilute with methanol  upto 100 ml ( 400 mcg )



Chromatographic Conditions

Column                      - C18 (10 cm × 4.0 mm) 10 µm or equivalent

Flow Rate                       - 1.0 ml/minute.

Column temperature    - Ambient

Detection wavelengths - 350 nm.

Inject                                 - 10 µL of each solution.


Time          Mobile Phase A    Mobile Phase B    Comment

( Minutes)   (% v/v )                       (% v/v )           


 0 – 2.5                     60                                       40                       Isocratic

2.5 - 12               60 → 30                              40 → 70                  Linear Gradient

12 - 25                     30                                        70                       Isocratic

25 - 26                30 → 60                             70 → 40                  Linear Gradient

26 - 30                     60                                        40                       Re- equilibration


