Saturday 7 October 2017

Ornidazole & Ofloxacin Tablets (Assay) | Finished Product | Test Procedure | Method of analysis (MOA) |

Mobile Phase: Prepare a solution of Acetonitrile, Water and Triethylamine in the ratio (40:60:0.1), adjust the pH 2.5 with phosphoric acid, filter and degas. 

Standard Preparation: Dissolve, accurately about 100 mg of Ofloxacin WS & 250 mg Ornidazole with Mobile phase and dilute to 100 ml flask. Take 2 ml of the diluted solution in a dry 50 ml flask and dilute it to the mark with the Mobile phase. 
Sample Preparation: Weigh and powdered 20 tablets. Take powder equivalent to 100 mg of Ofloxacin & 250 mg of Ornidazole in 100 ml dry flask and add 50 – 60 ml of Mobile phase, sonicate for 10 mins. dilute upto mark with Mobile phase & shake. Take 2 ml of the diluted solution in a dry 50 ml flask and dilute it to the mark with Mobile phase.

Chromatographic Column : 4.6 mm X 25 cm Zorbax Rx- C8 column
Wavelength                          : 300 nm
Flow rate                              : 1 ml per minute

Procedure: Separately inject about 20 µl of Standard and Sample preparation into the chromatograph and record the chromatograms. Measure the area for the major peak.

Calculation :

