Sunday 13 May 2018

Tramadol hydrochloride Tablet/Capsule Related substance method with calculation | Finished Product | Test Procedure | Method of analysis (MOA) |

Related substances:

Solution preparation:
Mobile phase: 10 ml of trifluoroacetic acid, 300 ml of acetonitrile and 690 ml of water.

Standard  impurity Solution : Weigh accurately about 3 mg of Tramadol impurity A CRS in 100 ml volumetric flask dilute to the volume with mobile phase.

System Suitability Solution (SST): Weigh accurately about 3 mg of tramadol hydrochloride CRS and 3 mg of Tramadol impurity A CRS in 100 ml volumetric flask dilute to the volume with mobile phase.

Test Solution : Weigh and finely powder 20 tablets. Weigh and transfer ___ mg of the powder, equivalent to 500 mg of Tramadol Hydrochloride Mix with the aid of ultrasound, with 75 ml of the mobile phase, cool, add sufficient mobile phase to produce 100 ml and filter through a glass- fibre filter.

Reference Solution : Dilute 2 ml of test solution  to 100 ml with the mobile phase and further dilute 1 ml to 10 ml with the mobile phase.

Chromatographic condition:

Column    : Use a stainless steel column (25 cm × 4.6 mm) C18(5 µl)
Flow rate  : 1.0 ml/min.
Injection volume : 20 µl
Column temperature: Ambient
Wavelength    : 271 nm.

For test solution allow the chromatography to process for four times of Tramadol HCl.

Procedure: Inject blank (one time) SST solution (one time) standard impurity solution ( six time)reference (six time )blank (one time)   Test solution ( one time ) into the chromatograph.
In chromatogram obtained with the test solution disregard any peak with area than 0.5 times of the principle peak in chromatogram obtained with reference solution.
System suitability:  In the chromatogram obtained with SST Solution , the resolution factor between the two principal peaks is at least 3.0.


Impurity A
Area of impurity A in test solution
Conc. of std impurity solution
Mean area of principle peak of std impurity solution
Conc. of test solution

Any other impurity
Area of any other impurity test in solution
Conc. of reference solution
 Mean area of Principle  peak in   
           reference solution
Conc. of test solution

Total impurities
Sum of area of any other impurity in test solution
Conc. of reference solution
 Mean area of principle peak in reference solution
Conc. of test solution

Acceptance criteria:
Impurity A                       :   Not more than 0.3%
Any unspecified impurity:   Not more than 0.2%
     Total impurities               :   Not more than 1.0 %