Sunday 13 May 2018

Dissolution method for amlodipine besylate tablets | Finished Product | Test Procedure | Method of analysis (MOA) |

Note: Do not expose any of the solutions to stainless steel because of the degradation of amlodipine.

Solution preparation: 0.01M Hydrochloric acid: Dilute 5.1 ml hydrochloric acid in 6.0 litre water.

Standard solution: Weigh accurately about 27.8 mg of amlodipine besylate WS transfer it into 100 ml volumetric flask add 60 ml medium to dissolve and make up volume to 100 ml with medium. Further Dilute 10 ml to 100 ml with medium.

Test Conditions
Medium            :  0.01M Hydrochloric acid; 500 ml
Apparatus 2     :  Paddle (Use paddles covered with Teflon or made of any inert material except stainless steel)
Revolution       :  75 rpm
Time                 :  30 min.

Analysis: After completion of time interval, withdraw a 20 ml of sample from a zone midway between the surface of the dissolution medium and the top of the rotating paddle, not less than 1 cm from the vessel wall and filter.

Measure the absorbance of standard and resulting sample, at the maximum at 239 nm.

Calculation :
Calculate the percentage of labelled amount of amlodipine dissolved,

Dissolution (%) =

       Test  Abs.    x  Wt. of Std.(mg) x    10   x         500         x  408.88  x Std. Potency x 100
     Standard Abs.           100                 100       Label clame       567.06            100    

Acceptance criteria: Not less than 75% (Q)