Saturday 7 October 2017

Validation of Volumetric solutions

Solution prepared for chemical analysis is not stable for longer period. Incorrect strength/  concentration can affect the result of analysed products.
Shelf life of solution depends on nature of chemical, solvent and temperature of storage.
Therefore it is necessary to validate the stability period individually.
Prepare and standardise the volumetric solutions

Ascertain shelf life of volumetric solution by visual inspection for precipitation and turbidity.

Record the observation daily

Ascertain shelf life of the volumetric solution by standardisation of the solution 6 times at an interval of one week starting from the date of preparation.

Frequency of Standardisation:

First Standardisation                : Date of Preparation

Second Standardisation          : On 07 day + 1 day

Third Standardisation               : On 14 day + 1 day.

Fourth Standardisation            : On 21 day + 1 day.

Fifth Standardisation                 : On 28 day + 1 day.

Sixth Standardisation               : On 35 day + 1 day.

Perform the standardisation twice for each time and take a mean.

Record the observation

Deviation for standardisation values shall not be more than 1.0 % from the initial result.

Assign shelf life after completion of validation.