Monday 9 October 2017

Salbutamol Sulphate Tablets (Assay) (By UV) | Finished Product | Test Procedure | Method of analysis (MOA) |

Reagents:  (1) 1.0% w/v 4-Amino Antipyrine in Ethanol.

                 (2) 8.0%w/v solution of Potassium Ferricyanide in water.

                 (3) 4.0% w/v solution of Sodium Bicarbonate in water.

Std  Dilution : 120mg of Salbutamol Sulphate  equivalent to 100 mg of Salbutamol  in 100 ml (water). further dilute 2ml in 50 ml (water)
Spl Dilution :  Weigh and powdered 20 Tablets Take powder equivalent to about  2 mg in 50 ml (water)

Procedure : To 10ml each of sample and standard solutions, add 50 ml water & 4 ml of 4% Sodium Bicarbonate solution add 4 ml of 1.0% w/v 4-Amino Antipyrine in Ethanol shake to mix, add 4 ml of 8% Potassium Ferricyanide solution. Allow to stand of 15 min. and then extract with 20, 10, 10 ml portions of chloroform. Pass chloroform layer through a layer of Anhydrous Sodium Sulphate and make up to 50 ml with chloroform. Measure the extinction of each solution at about 463 nm using chloroform as blank. 

Calculate the results by comparing with standard.