Powder 20 tablets. Take equivalent to 100 mg of the powder to a
500 mL flask using 300 mL of methanol, heat the resulting suspension to 60° and
shake for 15 minutes. Cool, dilute to 500 mL with methanol, filter through a
fine glass micro-fibre filter paper (Whatman GF/C is suitable) and dilute
a suitable volume of the filtrate with sufficient methanol to
produce a solution containing 0.01% w/v of Atenolol. Measure the absorbance of
the resulting solution at the maximum at 275 nm,
Calculate the content of
C14H22N2O3 taking 53.7 as the value of A(1%, 1 cm) at the maximum
at 275 nm.
Spl rdg. x 1000 x 500 x 50
x Average weight of Tablet (mg)
53.7 x 100 x Wt
of spl. x 25
= Mg/Tablet x 100