Sunday 8 October 2017

Dissolution of Paracteamol & Caffeine Tablets | Finished Product | Test Procedure | Method of analysis (MOA) |


Test conditions
(a) Use Apparatus 2 and rotate the  paddle at 50 revolutions per minute.
(b) Use 900 mL of phosphate buffer pH 5.8 at a temperature of 37°, as the medium.

 After 45 minutes, withdraw a 20 mL sample of the medium and filter. Carry out the method for liquid chromatography, using the following solutions. 

For Paracetamol   
(1) Sample: withdraw a 20 mL sample of the medium and filter. Dilute 10 mL of the filtrate to 100 mL with the phosphate buffer pH 5.8, if necessary, to produce a solution expected to contain 0.005% w/v Paracetamol. 
(2) Standard: 0.005% w/v paracetamol ws in phosphate buffer pH 5.8. 
Take 50 mg quantity of the paracetamol ws with 70 mL of the phosphate buffer pH 5.8 for 10 minutes, dilute to 100 mL with the same solvent, filter through a glass-fibre filter (Whatman GF/C is suitable) and dilute 5 mL of the filtrate to 50 mL with the phosphate buffer pH 5.8.

 (a) Use a stainless steel column (25 cm × 4.6 mm) packed with octylsilyl silica gel for chromatography  (5 µm) (Zorbax Rx C8 is suitable).
 (b) Use isocratic elution and the mobile phase described below.
 (c) Use a flow rate of 1.5 mL per minute.
 (d) Use a column temperature of 35°.
 (e) Use a detection wavelength of 245 nm.
 (f) Inject 50 µL of each solution.
 (g) For solution (1), allow the chromatography to proceed for 12 times the retention time of the principal peak.
 Calculate the content of C8H9NO2 in the medium using the declared content of C8H9NO2 in paracetamol  ws.

Dissolution (%)  =
Area of spl. x wt of std.x 5 x 900 x 100 x std. potency x 100
Area of std. x 100 x 50 x 500 x 10 x 100                                                                                            

For Caffeine 
(1) Sample: withdraw a 20 mL sample of   the medium and filter. Dilute 10 mL of the filtrate to 25 mL with  the phosphate buffer pH 5.8, if necessary, to produce a solution expected to contain 0.001% w/v of Caffeine.
(2) 0.001% w/v solution of caffeine ws  in phosphate buffer pH 5.8.
Take 10 mg quantity of the caffeine ws with 70 mL of the phosphate buffer pH 5.8 for 10 minutes, dilute to 100 mL with the same solvent, filter through a glass-fibre filter (Whatman GF/C is suitable) and dilute 5 mL of the filtrate to 50 mL with the phosphate buffer pH 5.8.

 The chromatographic conditions described under assay for paracetamol may be used but with a detection wavelength of 220 nm.
Calculate the content of C8H10N4O2 in the medium using the declared content of C8H10N4O2 in caffeine ws.

Dissolution (%)  =  
Area of spl. x wt of std. x 5 x 900 x 25 x std. potency  x 100
Area of std. x 100 x 50 x 30 x 10 x 100                                                                                            
Dissolution : NLT 70%