Sunday 8 October 2017

Dissolution Method of Omeprazole (Pellets form) | Finished Product | Test Procedure | Method of analysis (MOA) |

Solution A Mix 11 volumes of 0.25M trisodium orthophosphate and 22 volumes of 0.5M anhydrous disodium hydrogen orthophosphate, dilute to 100 volumes with water and adjust the pH, if necessary, to 11.0 with orthophosphoric acid or 10M sodium hydroxide, as appropriate.
Solution B : Mix 1 volume of 10M sodium hydroxide with 99 volumes of 0.05M  phosphate buffer  solution pH 4.5
Solution C : Mix 5.2 volumes of 1M anhydrous sodium dihydrogen orthophosphate and 63.2  volumes of 0.5M anhydrous disodium hydrogen orthophosphate, dilute to 1000  volumes with water and adjust the pH, if necessary, to 7.6 with orthophosphoric acid   or 10M sodium hydroxide, as appropriate 
 (a) Use Apparatus 2, rotating the paddle at  100 revolutions per minute.
 (b) Use as the media the solutions described  sequentially below.
 First stage (pH 4.5)    
 Use as the medium 700 mL of 0.05M phosphate buffer solution pH 4.5. After 45 minutes, withdraw 5 mL of the medium, filter the aliquot, dilute to 25 mL with solution A and retain the samples for analysis as described below. Proceed immediately to the final stage.
 Final stage (pH 6.8)
 Within 5 minutes, add 200 mL of solution B at 37° to the vessel. Maintain the rotation speed at 100 revolutions per minute and continue to operate the apparatus for 45 minutes. Withdraw 5 mL of the medium, filter the aliquot, dilute to 25 mL with solution A and retain the samples for analysis as described below.
 Carry out the method for liquid chromatography, using the following solutions.
 (1)  Test solution :  Use the sample solutions taken above.
 (2)   Standard solution  : Dissolve a sufficient quantity of omeprazole ws in solution A and dilute with water; the concentration of the final solution should be the same as that expected for solution (1).
        ( Standard solution : Weigh accurately about 10 mg of Omeprazole ws & tranafer it into 100 ml volumetric flask & dissolve it into solution A and dilute with water. Further dilute 5 ml to 100 ml with solution A)

 (a) Use a stainless steel column (15 cm × 2  mm) packed with octadecylsilyl silica gel for chromatography R (5µm) (Nucleosil C18 is suitable). Use a suitable guard column.
 (b) Use isocratic elution and the mobile  phase described below.
 (c) Use a flow rate of 0.25 mL per minute. 
 (d) Use a column temperature of 30°. 
 (e) Use a detection wavelength of 302 nm. 
 (f) Inject 10 µL of each solution. 
 (g) Allow the chromatography to proceed for 8  times the retention time of omeprazole.
 25 volumes of solution C, 35 volumes of water and 40 volumes of acetonitrile. Adjust the pH, if necessary, to 7.6 with orthophosphoric acid or 10M sodium hydroxide, as appropriate.
 The symmetry factor of the peak due to omeprazole is not more than 2.0.
Calculate the total content of C17H19N3O3S in the medium using the declared content of C17H19N3O3S in omeprazole ws.

Calculation :

First stage ( pH 4.5 )

        Spl Area        Wt.of Std (mg)            5          700          25         Std potency (as is)
% =----------------x-----------------------x---------x---------x---------x-------------------------------x 100
        Std Area                100                    100         20             5                       100

Calculation :

Final stage ( pH 6.8 )

        Spl Area        Wt.of Std (mg)             5         900          25      Std potency (as is)
% =----------------x-----------------------x---------x---------x---------x----------------------------x 100
        Std Area                100                     100        20            5                     100

The amount of omeprazole released after the first stage is not more than 10% of the stated amount.

The amount of omeprazole released after the final stage is not less than 65% (Q) of the stated amount.