Thursday, 5 October 2017

Calibration of pH meter


 Use only tissue paper to wipe the glass electrode.
 Ensure that the electrode is always dipped in tap water.
Do not dip pH electrode in distilled water as this will cause ions to leach out of the glass membrane of electrolyte, causing a slow and sluggish response.
Keep the switch of the instrument on 'Stand by' mode when the instrument is not in use.
Prepare the buffer solutions weekly + 2 days.
pH meter Instrument Consists of following units,
1. The main Digital Instrument.                            
2. The Electrode (Glass and Reference Electrode in single entity).           
Switch ON the mains supply, Press ON/OFF button once to start the meter.
Ensure that the instrument is calibrated.
Remove the electrode from tap water.
Clean the electrode with distilled water 2 to 3 times.
Rinse electrode in a waste beaker.
Soak the excess water with tissue paper.
Avoid rubbing the electrode as it has a sensitive membrane around it.
Adjust the `Temperature' knob to Room Temperature.
Immerse the electrode in sample solution which is to be tested and Stir the solution.
Push the second switch for `Read' mode.                                                  
Allow stabilizing the pH and then record the pH.
The display shows the pH of sample solution.
After completion of pH measurement rinse the electrode with distilled water.
Dip  the electrode in tap water.
After measurement enter details in usage log book.
Calibrate the pH meter with Standard buffer solutions.
Prepare standard Buffer solutions from buffer capsules.

Buffer Solution pH 4.00 :
Open a capsule by twisting and pulling apart.
Dissolve the content in 10 ml of distilled water.
Make up the volume up to 100 ml with distilled water.
This solution will have pH 4.00 + 0.05.

Buffer Solution pH 7.00 :
Prepare the buffer solution pH 7.00 same as above.
This solution will have pH 7.00 + 0.05.

Buffer Solution pH 9.20 :
Prepare the buffer solution pH 9.20 same as above.
This solution will have pH 9.20+ 0.05.

Pour the buffer solutions into individual bottles for calibration and label it.
Calibrate the pH meter with above Buffer solutions at 25°C (±2°C).                                                                                                               
The first will be a “Neutral” buffer with a pH of 7.00.
Immerse the electrode in buffer solution pH 7.00.
Push the second switch for `Read' mode and adjust the pH 7.0(Limit: 6.95 to 7.05) with the help of 'STAND (pH 7)' knob.      
Remove the electrode from the buffer solution pH 7.00.
Rinse the electrode with Distilled water and wipe with tissue paper. 
Immerse the electrode in buffer solution pH 4.00.
Push the second switch for `Read' mode and check if display indicates 4.00 pH. If there is an error, adjust the 'SLOPE' knob to read 4.00 pH(Limit: 3.95 to 4.05).                                       
Repeat the steps 5.3.7 and 5.3.10 till the instrument reads 7.00 pH and 4.00 pH.
Rinse the  electrode with Distilled water and wipe with tissue paper after both pH adjusted.
Check the buffer solution pH 9.20(Acceptance Criteria: + 0.05).
Note down all observed pH in format for daily pH calibration.
After completion of pH measurement rinse the electrode with distilled water and dip  the electrode in tap water.

The pH glass membrane, the probe tip, is the sensitive part of electrode. If the glass membrane dries out during storage and sometimes after a rough cleaning procedure gets damaged so it is necessary to restore the hydrated glass layer. which is restored by Regeneration.
For the Regeneration follow the procedure given below,                  
Soak the pH electrode in 0.1 M HCl for 12 hours.
Rinse the electrode carefully with distilled water.
Soak the electrode in buffer pH 4.00 for about one hour.
Rinse the electrode with distilled water and deep the electrode in tap  water.
Do Regeneration half monthly + 2 days.