Wednesday, 10 November 2021

Albendazole (Finished product) Assay (By HPLC) | Finished Product | Test Procedure | Method of analysis (MOA) |

Albendazole (Finished product) Assay (By HPLC)


Chromatographic Condition

Principle           - HPLC with UV detector

Column             -  C18 ( 150 x 3.9 mm) 5µ or equivalent

Detection          - UV 235 nm

Flow rate           - 2.0 ml/min.

Injection volume -20 µl

Run Time               - 6 Minutes

Retention Time     - About 3 Minutes

Diluent              - 990 ml methanol + 10 ml Concentrated HCL

Mobile Phase   - Buffer : Methanol ( 400 : 600 ) 

Buffer Preparation - Dissolve 7.35 gm of Disodium phosphate dodecahydtrate (Na2HPO4,12 H2O, Sodium phosphate dibasic) in 400 ml of water (If pH of the mobile phase is greater than 8.0, then adjust to 7.5 with dilute phosphoric acid)


Standard Preparation

Weigh accurately about 50 mg Albendazole WS in a 100 ml volumetric flask. Dissolve in diluent and dilute to 100 ml with diluent. Take 1 ml of the above and dilute to 20 ml with mobile phase.


Sample Preparation

Weigh accurately a quantity of the powder equivalent to about 50 mg of Albendazole in 100 ml volumetric flask add diluent upto mark and keep stirring for 30 minutes then sonicate for 10 min. Then shake and filter. Take 1 ml of the filtrate and dilute to 20 ml with mobile phase.


Procedure: Inject one blank, five replicate injection of standard solution, two replicate injection of sample solution & two bracketing standard solution.


 System Suitability:

 1) RSD of five replicate injection of standard solution should not be more than 2.0%

 2) RSD of five replicate injection of standard solution and two bracketing standard solution should not be more than 5.0%

 3) Tailing factor should not be more than 2.0


Calculation :