Wednesday 18 August 2021

Vitamin B6 Powder form Assay (By UV method) Finished Product | Test Procedure | Method of analysis (MOA) |


Vitamin B6 (Finished product) Powder form Assay (By UV method)


Preparation of Standard solution (1) :Take 25 mg  of pyridoxine Hydrochloride WS in50 ml volumetric flask, add 25 ml 0.1 N hydrochloric acid shake to dissolve & dilute to 50 ml with same solvent.

(Stock solution A): Take 5 ml of Standard solution (1) in 100 ml volumetric flask & Dilute to 100 ml with distilled water.

Preparation of Sample solution (Stock Solution B): Take sample equivalent to 25 mg  pyridoxine Hydrochloride  in 100 ml volumetric flask & dilute to 100 ml with distilled water.




1. Chlorimide Solution (0.04% w/v) : Dissolve 40 mg of 2,6-dichloroquinone- Chlorimide in 100 ml of isopropyl alcohol.


2. Ammonia ammonium chloride buffer solution: Dissolve 16.0 gm of Ammonium chloride in 70 ml distilled water,add 16 ml of ammonia solution (about 25%) and dilute with distilled water to 100 ml.


3. Sodium Acetate (20.0% w/v) : Dissolve 10.0 gm of sodium acetate in 50 ml of Distilled Water.


4.0 Boric Acid (5.0 % w/v): Dissolve 2.5 gm of Boric acid in 50 ml of distilled water.



A] Standard solution: Take 5 ml of stock solution A in 50 ml volumetric flask & add 25 ml isopropyl alcohol.


B] Sample solution: Take 5ml of stock solution B in 50 ml volumetric flask &add 25 ml isopropyl alcohol.


Standard preparation (a)


Pipette out 5 ml of standard solution in 50 ml volumetric flask (shake the flask after every addition of solution) add 1 ml of Ammonia ammonium chloride buffer solution, 1 ml Sodium Acetate (20.0% w/v), 1 ml distilled water & 2 ml Chlorimide Solution (0.04% w/v) after addition of Chlorimide solution shake vigorously for accurately timed 1 min& Take the absorbance at the wavelength of maximum absorbance at 650 nm accurately timed 2 min.

Using water as the blank. Designate the Absorbance as (S)


Standard Blank preparation (b): Repeat the procedure standard preparation (a) but substitute the 1.0 ml of Boric Acid (5.0% w/v) for the 1.0 ml of water. Designate the Absorbance as (S1)


Sample preparation (c): Pipette out 5 ml of sample solution in 50 ml volumetric flask (shake the flask after every addition of solution) add 1 ml of Ammonia ammonium chloride buffer solution, 1 ml Sodium Acetate (20.0% w/v), 1 ml distilled water & 2 ml Chlorimide Solution (0.04% w/v) after addition of Chlorimide solution shake vigorously for accurately timed 1 min& Take the absorbance at the wavelength of maximum absorbance at 650 nm accurately timed 2 min.

Using water as the blank. Designate the Absorbance as (T)


Sample Blank preparation (d): Repeat the procedure sample preparation (c) but substitute the 1.0 ml of Boric Acid (5.0% w/v) for the 1.0 ml of water. Designate the Absorbance as (T1)







Std Blk Prepn

Std Prepn

Spl Blk Prepn

Spl Blk Prepn


Std sol

5.0 ml

5.0 ml




Spl sol



5.0 ml

5.0 ml




Chloride buffer solution

1.0 ml

1.0 ml

1.0 ml

1.0 ml


Sodium Acetate (20% w/v)

1.0 ml

1.0 ml

1.0 ml

1.0 ml




1.0 ml


1.0 ml


Boric acid

(5.0 % w/v)

1.0 ml


1.0 ml



Chlorimide solution


2.0 ml

2.0 ml

2.0 ml

2.0 ml




Calculation :


(T – T1) x std wt. (mg) x 5 x 100 x purity of B6

= -------------------------------------------------------x Av. Net Cont

(S – S1) x  50 x  100 x sample wt. gm x 100  



                          mg x 100

  i. e =  -------------------------------

                        Label claim