Sunday 9 September 2018

PVC ( Polyvinyl chloride) Method of analysis, Test procedure.


·               PVC: Polyvinyl chloride is also known as vinyl is one of the most versatile and one of the least expensive polymer made of chloride and carboxylic. The density of PVC is 1.35 to 1.45 g/cm2. The properties of PVC is low barrier film suitable for stable molecules, cost effective blister pack, Amorphous in nature, Water vapor transmission rate 3.5 g/m2/day, Available in range of colours, They give long shelf life.                                                                                                                                                                                                   
  PVC films that are thermoformed have a of thickness range of  
 200 micron to 300 micron. The PVC material shall be
 transparent,  smooth on both side and free from foreign matter. it
 shall be of  uniform thickness. PVC film used is of Grammage
 range of 300 gsm to 400 gsm.

·               Toxic and non toxic PVC : It is depends on the vinyl chloride monomer. If it is greater than 1 ppm than it is dangerous, as its carcinogenic. If monomer used is greater than 1 ppm than toxicity will be increases. The pharmaceutical grade film used is zero ppm and less than 1 ppm. The pharmaceutical grade film is non-toxic, free from plasticisers and heavy metals. It is also tasteless and odourless.


·               Pinhole test : Place 1 meter piece of PVC in front of light source & observe, there should not be any hole.

Acceptance criteria: Should be absent when checked with normal naked eye.

·               Cleanliness check : It should be free from foreign particles and dust.

·               Dimension :
     Acceptance criteria:
         Tolerance for thickness  : ± 0.02 mm
         Tolerance for width        : ± 2 mm
         Internal core diameter    : 76 (± 1 mm)
·               Grammage:

Cut the sample in 5cm x 5cm piece, weigh it and calculate the Grammage with following formula       
                        Weight of 5 cm x 5 cm piece in gm
Grammage = ---------------------------------------------- x 10000
                                         5 cm x 5 cm
Acceptance criteria:
Grammage: Not less than 300 gsm