Saturday 27 January 2018

Dissolution method of Sildenafil citrate & Dapoxetine hydrochloride | Finished Product | Test Procedure | Method of analysis (MOA) |

Dissolution condition:
Medium        : 900 ml, 0.01M Hydrochloric acid.
Apparatus     : Paddle
Speed           : 100 RPM
Time            : 45 minutes
Temperature : 37°C (± 0.5°C)

Preparation of 0.01M Hydrochloric acid:
Dilute 0.86ml of conc. Hydrochloric acid in 1000ml volumetric flask with water.

Introduce the dissolution medium, free from dissolved air in to the vessel of the apparatus. Warm the dissolution medium to between 36.5°C and 37.5°C. Introduce one tablet in each vessel and operate the apparatus as per above conditions.

Chromatographic system:
Column                    : C18 (25cm x 4.6mm), 5 µm
Flow rate                ­­­­­­  : 1.0ml per minute
Detection                 : 292nm
Injection volume       : 20µl
Column temperature : Ambient

Mobile phase:
Methanol: Acetonitrile with 0.5% Triethylamine (95:5).

 Standard Preparation:
Dissolve accurately about 15mg of dapoxetine hydrochloride WS & 25mg of sildenafil citrate WS in 50ml dry volumetric flask. Add sufficient dissolution media to dissolve then dilute to 50 ml with dissolution media. Dilute 5ml of above solution to 100ml with mobile phase.

Sample preparation:
Set the parameters of the instrument as mentioned above. Place one tablet each in six different vessels and operate the apparatus for 45min. After 45 min, withdraw the solution from a zone midway between the surface of the dissolution medium and top of the paddle, not less than 1 cm from the vessel wall and filter. Filter through a 0.45-μm pore size nylon membrane. Sonicate for 10min and further diluted 5ml of above solution to 20ml with mobile phase.

Separately inject blank and six replicate injections of standard solution. Then inject test solution once and record the chromatogram for all injections.

System suitability test:
The relative standard deviation determine from the respective standard solution in six replicate injections is not more than 2.0%.

For Sildenafil Citrate:

 Avg area of sample x weight of standard x 5 x 900 x 20 x potency of std (as is) x 100
 Avg area of standard x 50 x 100 x Label claim x 5 x 100

For Dapoxetine Hydrochloride:

 Avg area of sample x weight of standard x 5 x 900 x 20 x potency of std (as is) x 100
 Avg area of standard x 50 x 100 x Label claim x 5 x 100