Monday 9 October 2017

Caffeine Tablet/Capsule (Assay) | Finished Product | Test Procedure | Method of analysis (MOA) |

By Extraction method:

From a quantity of the mixed contents of 20 capsules. Take the powder equivalent to 30 mg of Caffeine anhydrous in 250 ml volumetric flask. Add 175 ml of water and shake well for 20 to 25 minutes, and dilute to 250 ml with water. Filter, take 10 ml of the filtrate in 250 ml separator and add 10 ml of 1N Sodium Hydroxide and extract immediately with 5 x 25 ml of Chloroform, washing each extracted Chloroform with same 10 ml of water.

Filter the combined extracted Chloroform with same 10 ml of water. Filter the combined each extracted chloroform layer through cotton previously moisturized with Chloroform and having a layer of anhydrous sodium Sulphate unit. Evaporate the extracted chloroform to dryness on water bath. Dissolved the residue as completely as possible in water. Warming gently, if necessary, cool and dilute to 100 ml with water.
Take reading on suitable Spectrophotometer at 273 nm using water as a blank.

E 1% 1Cm at 273 nm is 504

Mg /Capsule=

Spl rdg. x 1000 x 250 x 100 x Average Net Content ( mg )
                  504 x 100 x Wt of spl. (mg) x 10

                             Mg /Capsule x100
                   % = --------------------------------
                                 Labeled Claim